First Internal Kendo Examinations

Grading system in kendo

At Brighton Kendo Club Kendo (BKC) grading criteria follows the regulations defined by the British Kendo Association (BKA).

At Konami Dojo we use a grading system, which ranges from 9th kyu to 2nd Kyu with 9th kyu being the lowest grade. These grades can be obtained by BKC internal examinations. Such examinations are scheduled to take place twice a year. We are looking forward to have our first grading examination taking place on 5th September 2015.

Who can grade?

Internal examinations are open to any beginner and member of BKC. The purpose of grading is to prove achievement and progress in kendo. Grading is voluntary, and not taking an examination will not affect your kendo progress in any way.

Advanced kendo levels

Higher levels are cane be obtained by passing an examination provided by the BKA. Such events take place a few times per year at different locations. In order to take 1st kyu and any dan grade you are required to be a full member of the British Kendo Association.

Eligibility for advanced grades

Eligibility criteria for 1st kyu are a minimum age of 12 years, registration with BKA for at least 6 months of which 3 months must be a full registration.

Eligibility criteria for 1st Dan are a minimum age of 14 years, 3 months registration with BKA after receiving 1st kyu.

How to prepare for your grading?

Attend training as regularly as possible. You’ll automatically learn the things that your need to know for your exam.

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